EcosexExtravaganza!! In collaboration with the Santa Monica Community College May 12-14th, 2016
UCSC Students and Santa Monica Faculty, Students and critters of all kinds will come together in a series of events that will culminate in a Wedding to the Sea!
An Apoca-Alchemy Spectacle, Eco-Laboratory & Salvage Fash Bash
Friday May 13th, 8pm,
1210 Fourth Street, Santa Monica
Tired of the relentlessness of ecological crisis, environmental racism, and the doom & gloom of environmental injustice? Join the Ecosexuals for a celebratory, transformation ritual turning wreck into reckoning, trash into treasure, junk into funk, and apathy into action. Enter the Alchemy Laboratory & become ecollaborators: mix with the elements, turn up the heat with music, spoken word & performance art, shake your tail-feathers at the post- trash fash bash and set the stage for a new eco-citizenry.
Through this rousing EcoArt & Performance event we join diverse cultures, which have, for millennia created traditions, rituals, and art expressing love for the planet and respect for all earthlings. How do we shift our existence to live every day as true earth-lovers? Let’s get it on and work it out at this multicultural, trans-genre spectacle — a thought-provoking, play-inducing, roof-raising night that brings sexy back to the vital liberation work of our times: cultivating visionary ecological consciousness.
Presented by the Public Policy Institute of Santa Monica College in collaboration with the Otis Creative Action Program, SMC Ecosexual Club, and ecosexual performance artists Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens. Directed and emceed by Qosmos, the EcoseXtravaganza! is a rallying call to incite intergenerational, barrier-busting planetary dialogue and a tectonic paradigm shift.
Bring an offering to the trash altar and come as you are — or refashion yourself for the dawning of the eco-post-utopian golden age! Come conjure a juicy, just, fertile cosmos!
8p Doors open
8:30p Eco-Spectacle
11p Salvage Fash Bash
Free, 18+
Reverend Billy Talen’s Sermon on the Sea
Monday, April 18th, 12PM
Reverend Billy's special Sermon on the Sea will take place in the Art Department Courtyard at high noon.
In celebration of the release of his new book, The Earth Wants YOU!, Reverend Billy will perform a special Sermon on the Sea at UC Santa Cruz's Baskin Art Studios in the Art Department Courtyard at 12 pm. Refreshments, conversation and book signings will follow outside the E.A.R.T.H. Lab, DARC 229. Refreshments courtesy of the Institute for Arts and Sciences.
Bill Talen (Reverend Billy) is founder and creator of Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir, a New York City based radical performance community, with 50 performing members and a congregation in the thousands. They are self-professed wild anti-consumerist gospel shouters and Earth loving urban activists who have worked with communities on four continents defending community, life and imagination. For over 15 years, Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir have preached against consumerism and militarism as the devils of contemporary society. For more information go to revbilly.com.
The Earth Wants YOU is a motivational handbook for earth activists, filled with inspired visions of a wild, creative, Earth-led cultural revolution.
"You must check out the newest from my favorite transcendent and down to Earth preacher." —Laurie Anderson
Presented by E.A.R.T.H. Lab with additional support from, IAS, Porter College, the Art Department, Sesnon Gallery and the Education for Sustainable Living Program.